Use your data to improve your business performance and support your clients effectively
Meterpoint provides a set of tools to quickly compare meter data across schemes and assets.
Identifying trends, patterns and outliers across large groups of meters can be a challenge.
Meterpoint.io provides a set of tools for quickly comparing meter data across schemes and assets to help to identify potential fraud, find opportunities to improve asset performance and to plan and forecast consumption.
All of our analyses can be easily exported to tools of your choice for further custom processing and sharing.
Meter data processing automatically identifies the important data fields for each of your meters.
These are made available for fast statistical aggregations across large sets of meter data.

A built-in charting tool lets you view the aggregations to quickly see outliers and trends.
All common statistical methods are available as well as time-weighted averages to deal with meters which send data with inconsistent periods.

Sometimes simple statistical methods alone aren't sufficient. We provide complex analysis that would be difficult to do on a spreadsheet and helps you quickly identify opportunities
For example, for domestic heat meters, we are able to reliably estimate Volume Weighted Average Return Temperatures (VWART).
We can also split this by the operating mode of the Heat Interface Unit.
This can speed up heat network optimisation work with targetted interventions.